2020年9月,梅林生物医学与土耳其红新月会合作,提供200台血液运输冰箱XC-90W。经过一年多的时间,美菱提供的冰箱已经在全国各地的医疗网点使用,并获得了良好的反响。今年,美菱生物再次受邀与他们合作,继续为他们提供血液运输冰箱。血液运输作为医疗冷链物流的重要组成部分,要求更高,比一般物流系统更复杂。那么血液在运输过程中是如何保存的呢?血液运输主要利用血液运输冰箱,借助汽车等运输工具进行。在这个过程中,冰箱起着至关重要的作用。由于血液本身的特点,在运输过程中,全血和红细胞血在运输过程中始终要保持在2-8度。因此,血液冰箱的绝缘性能是影响血液运输的关键因素。目前,市场上的血液运输冰箱主要分为两种类型。 One is non-plug-in type with the cold storage material placed in the box for refrigeration and heat preservation, which is suitable for short-distance blood transport. But as time goes on, the refrigeration of cold storage materials will gradually decline. Compared with the former one, the other plug-in blood transport refrigerator has more advantages on long hauls for its stable temperature and small temp fluctuations in the chamber. Take our product XC-90W as an example, this plug-in blood transport box can maintain the chamber temp at 4±1℃, and is equipped with an LCD screen to monitor the temperature in real time. The appearance and inner surface of it should be smooth and flat without any cracks. In the process of normal transportation, the refrigerator will not be deformed and the internal material will not spontaneously produce harmful gases. In addition, it is equipped with handles and casters to facilitate movement. The another humanized function is worth mentioning that the temp in the chamber can be set to 22℃ during transportation, which means blood will be at its optimum temperature when it is is delivered to the destination for immediate transfusion to the person in need. This also greatly improves the timeliness of emergency treatments.