越南河内卫生院引进美菱生物医药yc - 75l 2~8℃药房冰箱数百台,用于疫苗注射。雷竞技raybet最佳越南首都河内的卫生部门正在制定一项计划,为12至17岁的儿童接种疫苗,计划在2022年为18岁以上的儿童接种第三次加强疫苗。随着河内市疫苗接种计划的实施,河内市在疫苗接种过程中也有大量的疫苗储存需求。梅林生物医学YC-75L具有高精度温控器,高灵敏度传感器,温度保持在2~8℃,显示精度在0.1℃,可确保疫苗的有效性。美菱生物医用2~8℃药用冰箱采用名牌压缩机、冷凝器,制冷性能更好;不含氟氯烃制冷剂,确保环保安全;空气冷却,自动除霜,温度均匀性在2℃以内。该冰箱拥有业界首创的“预冷”技术,通过“预冷模式”,在停电时间已知的情况下,能够最大限度地发挥产品的冷库容量。与普通的2~8℃药房冰箱或医用冰箱相比,美菱冷冻冰箱可以雷竞技raybet最佳极大地保证疫苗的安全性,特别是在供电不稳定的地区。在美菱,我们相信有办法创造出最好的产品。ray雷电子竞技俱乐部 We are obsessively passionate about cryogenic technology, delicate appearance, quality and user friendly. We devote ourselves to be one of the best global innovators in refrigeration solutions for life sciences.On the road of fighting the epidemic and protecting life and health, Meling Biomedical uses Action shows the social responsibility and responsibility of a company!
美菱生物医药2~8℃部分药剂冰箱获得ENERGY STAR认证雷竞技raybet最佳ENERGY STAR是保护自然环境、节约能源的环保计划认证。其目的是减少能源消耗,减少温室气体排放。它是由美国环境保护署(EPA)和美国能源部(DOE)联合实施的环境保护计划认证。如果你想获得“能源之星”认证标签,你必须提交一份完整的测试报告和评估结果,并获得EPA的认证。美国环保署和能源部将在2010年底前进一步加强“能源之星”认证程序。它规定:所有制造商必须提交经认可的实验室的测试结果,以确保产品符合能源之星的要求。美菱生物医药2~8°C药房冰箱,已通过严格的能源之星认证,符合国际公认的存储标准。110mm超厚保温层可在断电后持续使用25小时以上。这款冰箱拥有业界首创的“预冷”技术。通过“预冷模式”,在已知停电时间的情况下,最大限度地发挥产品在停电前的冷库容量。 Compared with ordinary 2~8℃ pharmacy refrigerators or medical refrigerators, Meling Biomedical pharmacy refrigerator can greatly ensure the safety of vaccines, especially in areas with unstable power supply. Meling Biomedical will continue to accelerate innovation and contribute to the global medical and health industry, always pay attention to the global vaccination work, help the safe storage of vaccines, and care for people's health.
从2022年4月27日至29日,在墨西哥城世贸中心,您将了解新技术,并为您的所有需求找到解决方案。我们很高兴地通知您,梅林生物医学将参加EXPOFARMA,该展会将于2022年4月27日至29日在墨西哥城世界贸易中心举行。在本次展会上,美菱生物医药展出了适用于实验室环境和化学试剂储存的医用冰柜。您可以看到我们的-86℃超低温冷冻机DW-HL528S。非常适用于病毒、细菌、红细胞、白细胞、皮肤、骨骼、生物制品、海洋产品、电子器件、特殊材料等的低温试验。ray雷电子竞技俱乐部适用于血站、医院、疾病预防控制中心、科研院所、电子化工企业实验室、生物医学工程研究所等。双压缩机制冷时,一台压缩机故障,另一台压缩机系统仍能保持箱内温度在-70℃,保证箱内温度稳定;多种声光报警:高低温、开门、电压异常、传感器故障、电源报警、凝汽器散热不良、系统故障等14种声光报警,储物更安全。您还可以看到2~8℃药房冰箱、2~8℃冰柜、生物医学冷冻室和组合式冷冻室,完全解决您的需求。雷竞技newbee官方下载除了展出的产品外,我们还有许多冷链产品ray雷电子竞技俱乐部,致力于开发高品质、高性能、高科技的医疗产品。 2~8℃ Ice-lined refrigerator Stainless steel internal material for high-performance insulation Keep it for a long time in case of power failure to ensure safe storage. Industry's first "pre-cooling mode" to maximize cold storage capacity before power failure CFC-free refrigerant Energy-saving and environmentally friendly -25 ℃ Biomedical freezer -10 to -25℃ freezer for sample or vaccine storage Multiple alarm for storage safety,high/low temperature ,sensor failure,door ajar alarm ,etc. Humanized design CE/UL qualified CFC-free refrigerant -40 ℃ Ultra-low temperature freezer High/low temperature ,sensor failure,door ajar,low battery,power failure alarm etc. Humanized design CE/UL qualified CFC-FREE refrigerant USB,RS485 -86℃ Ultra-low temperature freezer Touch screen display Excellent insulation performance More than 10 kinds of alarm like storage safety,high/lowtemperature,sensor failure,door ajar alarm ,etc. From the world's smallest volume of 1.8 L to the world's largest volume of 1008L If one of the compressors is damaged, the other one can maintain the temperature at -70°C. CE/UL/ETL 2~8...
前所未有的COVID危机暴露了尼泊尔卫生系统的现有差距,特别是在应对突发卫生事件方面的差距。尼泊尔在新冠肺炎大流行(第一波和第二波)期间面临的主要挑战之一是缺乏设备良好的重症监护病房来治疗严重的新冠肺炎病例。由于尼泊尔预计在不久的将来会出现第三波疫情,政府还准备提高全国三级医院的重症监护能力。此外,具有更大传播力的COVID-19新型关注变种(VOC)的出现进一步增加了该国重症监护能力的压力。因此,SCI/GF通过采购重症监护病房所需的以下医疗设备,支持政府的COVID应对工作。救助儿童会自1976年以来一直在尼泊尔开展活动。作为全国最大的以儿童为中心的组织,我们的多个项目覆盖广泛的地理区域,支持我们的愿景,即所有儿童都能获得生存、保护、发展和参与的权利。目前,我们与尼泊尔63个地区的100多个合作伙伴(包括尼泊尔的政府)合作。同样,救助儿童会在全球114个国家以各种身份开展工作。梅林生物医学一直关注全球疫苗接种工作。 After Save the Children Nepal country office invited to submit a two-year laboratory refrigerator supply and implementation framework agreement (FWA) bid, in the competition of various products, Meiling 2~ 8℃ YC-55L finally won the project with good quality and reasonable price. In order to expedite the solution to Nepal's dilemma, Meling Biology & Medical delivered 410 products within 10 days, and the first batch of products has been sent out. Meiling 2~8℃ YC-55L Mini Medicinal Vaccine Refrigerator is equipped with high-precision temperature control system and high-sensitivity sensor, and adopts high-brightness digital temperature and humidity display, automatic temperature control, to ensure display accuracy of 0.1℃. The YC-55L refrigerator is equipped with a new compressor and condenser, which has better cooling performance and keeps the temperature uniformity within 1°C. It is air-cooled and has an automatic defrosting function. HCFC-FREE refrigerants bring more efficient cooling and ensure environmental protection. Meling Biology & Medical will continue to accelerate innovation, contribute to the global medical and health industry, help the safe storage of vaccines, and care for people's health.